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Runtime: 30 minutes to 1.5 hours

Date 2023-2024

An Intro to Indie Animation!

Programme Synopsis

“An Intro to Indie Animation” is an assembly programme aim to introduce Singapore animation by award winning animation directors. The directors will share their techniques behind their award winning short films and animated series. This consists of stop-motion animation, 2D and 3D animation works. Besides animation technique, the directors will also share the thought process in developing their own style of animation, and the importance of being authentic on the world stage in the International Animation festivals circuit. With customization options that can cater for Primary, Secondary and Junior College, the talk will be informative, engaging and thought provoking. The talk can be conducted either on-site or digital. For on-site, there will be a live demonstration of how stop-motion animation is done. For digital, there is an option to get Singapore animation directors to share their thought process in creating their animation.

*This programme is eligible for the NAC Arts Grant subsidy.*
Programme ID: AEP0220261

Facilities Required

1. Projector, computer, sound system
2. 2 hands free microphone (for both animation directors)
3. Lights on stages need to be switch on for capturing purpose. .